Olof Ejermo is project leader. He is Professor in Innovation economics at Lund University, Sweden, adjunct professor at Stockholm School of Economics and researcher at RATIO, Stockholm. His PhD, from Jönköping International Business School, is in economics with his current affiliation at the Department of Economic History in Lund. He has previously been senior lector and docent at CIRCLE, an interdisciplinary research centre based in Lund. Olof Ejermo has been PI for several projects. Relevant for the current program is that he has been working on both inventors and scientists in micro data, in both Sweden and Finland. Ejermo’s has also worked intensively on data collection and organization. One of the projects analyzed in particular Swedish inventors funded by the Swedish Research council and he has also been instrumental in setting up the database on scientific output for Sweden.

He has supervised three doctoral students who worked with these data and has published extensively on matters related to individual inventive activity and also on science. Specifically related to this program he has analyzed issues on gender) and the role that parents have in fostering who becomes an inventor.
Karin Hoisl is Professor of Organization and Innovation at the University of Mannheim. She is part-time Professor in the Economics and Management of Inventive Processes at Copenhagen Business School and a research affiliate at the Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich. Karin Hoisl holds a PhD in Management from Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich.
She is Associate Editor of Management Science, Strategic Management Journal and Industrial and Corporate Change, member of the Editorial Review Board of Academy of Management Discoveries, and Advisory Editor of Research Policy.
She was part of a team of researchers sponsored by the European Commission to perform two large scale projects aimed at collecting surveys data from inventors: the PatVal-EU survey (9,200 inventors) and InnoS&T survey (24,000 inventors).

Her main research interests are women in STEM, organizational innovation, and labor mobility. Her research has been published in Management Science, Organization Science, and the Strategic Management Journal.
Ari Hyytinen is Professor of Economics at Hanken School of Economics (Helsinki, Finland) and Helsinki Graduate School of Economics. Hyytinen specializes in applied micro-econometrics and studies currently the economics of competition, entrepreneurship and innovations.
His research has been published in general interest journals in economics, in industrial organization journals, in public economics and political science, in labour and health economics, as well as in entrepreneurship and innovation.

Prior to joining Hanken, Hyytinen was Professor and Vice Dean of Research at School of Business and Economics, at University of Jyväskylä.
Hans Christian Kongsted is a Professor of Applied Econometrics at the Copenhagen Business School. He earned his PhD in Economics from the University of Copenhagen, where he was previously employed as an assistant, associate, and Professor with special assignments.
He has been a visiting scholar at the University of California, San Diego, and at Nuffield College, Oxford University. His recent research concerns the societal impact of R&D. He is the PI of a research program funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation, emphasizing the effects of R&D workers’ mobility and the childhood and family origins of inventorship.

Kongsted’s work was published inter alia in Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Strategic Management Journal and in Management Science.
Myriam Mariani is Professor of Applied Economics at Bocconi University, where she is also the director of the MSc EMIT (Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology).
She earned a PhD from the Marche Polytechnic University, and completed a two years post-doc Marie Curie fellowship at MERIT (Maastricht Economic Research Institute on Innovation and Technology). Her work focuses on gender inequalities in innovation and the reasons why there are so few women in innovation.
She also studies inventors’ job progressions, motivations and knowledge transmission. She was also part of a team of researchers who conducted the PatVal-EU and InnoS&T surveys.

Mariani’s research appeared in Management Science, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy and the Review of Economics and Statistics.
Valentina Tartari is Associate Professor in Economics and Management of Innovation at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. She has extensive experience in the study of scientists’ careers and scientific knowledge production, with a particular focus on academic engagement with industry and scientists mobility and careers.
She is the PI on a project on gender inequalities in Danish academia funded by the Carlsberg Foundation.

Tartari has recently been awarded a Sapere Aude Research Leader grant from the Danish Fund for Independent Research to study the role of scientific funding on the rate and trajectory of science.
Otto Toivanen obtained his PhD from University of Warwick. He is a professor in Economics at Aalto University and the Academic Director of the Helsinki Graduate School of Economics. Before his current position he was a professor at KU Leuven. He has been a visiting scholar at MIT, NBER and UC Berkeley.
Toivanen specializes in industrial organization and economics of innovation. He has published his research in many leading journals e.g. Review of Economics and Statistics.
He has received several large grants as a (co-)PI. He holds and has held many academic positions of trust.